Over 70 Years of Legal Service in Trenton, Ontario
Located in Trenton, Ontario, Sioui Mitts Seufert has been proudly serving the residents of southeast Ontario with dependable legal services. We continue to improve and expand our expertise in striving to maintain our mandate of adding value and support to our clients and their endeavours. Our team of professionals has an unwavering commitment to provide expert legal advice and service to our many valued clients through our core values of integrity, knowledge and teamwork.
We are committed to providing an enjoyable, progressive and dynamic workplace for our employees and ongoing support to our community.
Effective January 31st, 2024, Mr. Steve Sioui has retired. Thank you, Mr. Sioui for 36 years of service to Trenton and surrounding areas!

Why Choose Us?
There are several reasons why you should choose us over our competitors. These include:
Our Areas of Practice
Our team offers its services in the following areas of practice: